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Grief Sesh
Grief Sesh is a recurring talk show & workshop series that centers around the topic of grief and aims at providing a peaceful and supportive space for everyone participating to experience, process, and contemplate about grief.
Did you miss one of the events? No worries— we've got the recorded footage for each one below!
Preparing for Grief Sesh
The design of the set is made to appear approachable and welcoming to facilitate sharing vulnerability.
Grief Sesh ft. Sarah Gilbert,
talking about Breaking & Bending
After we viewed Sarah Gilbert’s exhibition Breaking & Bending, Michael sat down with Sarah to talk about loss, trauma, and recovery with art. Then, we took a 30-minute silent walk in the canyon.
Grief Sesh ft. Shelbie Loomis talking about The Grieving Apothecary
Shelbie Loomis and Michael talked about Shelbie’s personal experience around grief and her social practice projects designed around grief. Shelbie then led the Grieving Apothecary workshop, guiding us to explore our own grief and comfort through a collective ritual.
Grief Sesh ft. Illia Yakovenko, citizen of a besieged city, talking about the Sea of Mariupol & the Center for Art and Human Cooperation
Illia Yakovenko and Michael talked about Illia’s method of bringing parts of a besieged city to a new place, sailing as art, and what it means to call oneself an artist. Illia also brought borscht, a savory, Ukrainian dish made with beets and other add-ons.
Grief Sesh ft. Karim Hassanein, talking about Jefferson High School Intergenerational Future Visioning & Reflection Session
Karim Hassanein and Michael both participate in the Jefferson High School modernization project. They talked about generational trauma resulting from socio-political oppression, collective grief, and more.
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